Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Terrorism In Phoenix

A string of freeway shootings in Phoenix have been qualified as domestic acts of terrorism, because they cause drivers to "divert from their normal driving routines." However, it has become clear that there is no state terrorism law to hold against the shooters. Attorney Bill Montgomery said the state’s terrorism laws focus more on protecting public utilities rather than freeway shootings. Investigations have confirmed 11 vehicle shootings since August, most of which occurred along Interstate-10. Some shootings involved bullets, others involved BBs, pellets or rocks. Out of the 11 shootings, there has been only one injury, which was when a piece of shattered glass from a victim's window cut her ear. Authorities announced that they would be using 16 billboards to advertise the $50,000 reward being offered for information leading to suspects. The shooters could face state endangerment, criminal damage, and aggravated assault charges.

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