Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Gender Inequality In Missouri

Gender and sexual orientation equality seems to be a hot topic this year, especially in Missouri. Lila Perry began identifying herself as a girl last February, so her being transgender isn't exactly new information. However, protests have recently erupted over her request to be able to use the girl's bathroom, rather than a unisex bathroom. The school’s superintendent, Aaron D. Cornman, claimed that the school “accepts all students no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation,” but his statement was almost immediately challenged. Derrick Good, a parent to two female students enrolled in the school, argued that facilities should be used based on the students' biological sex. He claims it is a violation to his daughters' privacy to be sharing bathrooms with biological males. With all the commotion of protesting, Ms. Perry completely dropped out of the class that developed her need to use of the girls’ locker room, and spent nearly two hours in her guidance counselor’s office due to safety concerns. The Missouri Gay-Straight Alliance Network is planning to host a rally to explain the difference between sex and gender.

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