Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ahmed Mohamed Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock To School

Ahmed Mohamed is a 14 year old living in Irving, Texas. Ahmed's favorite hobby is robotics, and his latest creation has been a digital clock. On Monday, September 14, 2015, Ahmed was arrested for bringing this handmade clock to school. The Dallas Morning News said "He brought the device to school hoping to impress some teachers, but the first one who saw the clock immediately told him 'not to show any other teachers.'" His creation was taken to the principles office, where he was threatened with expulsion for "trying to make a bomb." He was escorted from school in handcuffs and taken to a juvenile detention center, where he was searched and questioned about the "suspicious object" until his parents could come get him. He was not expelled, but he was given a 3 day suspension.  The director of the North Texas Council on American-Islamic RelationsAlia Salem, said the arrest was "an egregious and inappropriate response."

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