Sunday, September 27, 2015

ACLU Accuses Louisiana High School Of Promoting Christianity

Executive Director of Louisiana ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), Marjorie Esman, argues that the phrase "The Future Starts Today - May God Bless You All" in an online letter to students from the Principle of Airline High School violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. Esman also argues that allowing members of FCA to set up prayer boxes with Christian emblems on them around the school promotes Christianity. Esman said: "The United States Constitution requires public schools to ensure that state-supported activity is not used for religious indoctrination." Louisiana State Representative, Mike Johnson, states: "This is typical of the ACLU. They're on a seek-and-destroy mission for all things religious. I hope the school will stand its ground." My question is, does the phrase "may God bless you all" actually violate the first amendment if it states that citizens have freedom of speech and religion? I think not. 

Principle of Airline High School

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