Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Human Traffickers In U.S. Visa System

More than half of human traffickers used work in the visa business and abused their power to bring victims into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General report states:  "from 2005 to 2014 visas were the primary means by which 17 of 32 known traffickers brought victims into the United States.” DHS found out that traffickers were bringing their victims into the country with the help of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who kept data on traffickers a secret. Shockingly, most of the victims in the United States are U.S. citizens, but many others are foreigners brought from other countries. With this new information, hopefully the government and DHS can work together to take more preventive measures in order to eventually end human trafficking in the United States. 

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