Friday, November 13, 2015

Political Parties in Nigeria - parties fluctuate in transforming republics
  1. Alliance for Democracy
  2. All Nigeria Peoples’ Party
  3. All Progressives Grand Alliance
  4. All Peoples Liberation Party
  5. African Renaissance Party
  6. Better Nigeria Progressive Party
  7. Community Party of Nigeria
  8. The Democratic Alternative
  9. The Green Party of Nigeria
  10. Justice Party
  11. Liberal Democratic Party of Nigeria
  12. Movement for Democracy and Justice
  13. Masses Movement of Nigeria
  14. National Action Council
  15. Nigeria Advance Party 
  16. National Conscience Party
  17. New Democrats
  18. National Democratic Party
  19. National Mass Movement of Nigeria
  20. New Nigeria Peoples Party
  21. Nigerian Peoples Party
  22. National Reformation Party
  23. Progressive Action Congress
  24. Peoples Democratic Party
  25. Peoples Mandate Party
  26. Peoples Redemption Party
  27. Party for Social Democracy
  28. Peoples Salvation Party
  29. United Democratic Party
  30. Uniter Nigeria Peoples Party
type of gov- federal republic (a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives) 

how power is organized- same as US
head of state- president
legislative branch- house of rep & senate
unitary or federal system- federal

which parties are considered major or ruling- Peoples Democratic Party 

how are parties characterized- chaotic, lots of upheaval

what issues are the parties organized around (ideological, economic, social issues)- integration or regionalization

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