Sunday, November 22, 2015

Every Penny Counts

This past Monday, the Islamic Center of Pflugerville in Austin, Texas was vandalized. Feces were found smeared on the sidewalk outside of the center, along with torn out pages of the Quran. "It's disgusting [...] It doesn't matter what you believe, what I believe, what he believes or anybody believes, all faith is important" said Laura Swanson, a Pflugerville resident. When Swanson's seven year old son found out what had happened, he tried to help by emptying out his piggy bank, which only contained about twenty dollars. He went to the mosque and gave the money to Faisal Naeem, a board member of the center. "It's 20 bucks, but coming from Jack collecting his pennies, it's worth 20 million bucks to me and to our community," Naeem said. Jack's actions give Naeem hope, he said, because "this means it's not once versus the other." The vandalism is still being investigated. 

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