Donald Trump doesn't directly blame George W. Bush for the terrorist attacks on 9/11, but he did admit a few reasons why people might be suspicious of him. “You always have to look to the person at the top,” Trump said Saturday. Trump has presented three reasons why Bush could potentially be responsible. First, he argued that Bush's immigration policy was too weak and might have allowed terrorists into the country. Second, the FBI, the National Security Council, and the CIA weren’t communicating about threats. Lastly, George Tenet (Bush’s director of central intelligence) apparently admitted to knowing there would be an attack in advance. Jeb Bush and Trump had it out over twitter, and Trump ended the argument with "Like it or not, Bush was in the White House when the Twin Towers came down." While Trump makes a strong argument of not feeling safe when Bush was president, a recent Huffington Post poll says that over 80% of Republicans believe George W. Bush did a great job keeping the U.S. safe while president.
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