Thursday, October 1, 2015

First Quarter Reflection

At the start of this school year, I was honestly really worried about taking an AP class. I've never taken an AP class before or even an honors class, so I had no idea what to expect. I'm a slow worker and it takes me a while to absorb information so I had no idea how difficult the rushed curriculum would be. However, I wanted to take a government class because I felt in the dark when it came to politics, current events, and even just the basic levels of government and their responsibilities. After this quarter, I think it's pretty safe to say that I have been forced to keep up with current events due to blog posts, and also I was pushed to really think and make connections about the behind the scenes of politics. I have a whole new perspective on how much government really effects me. I think it's awesome that it's only first quarter and I already have a better understanding of what federal grants are, my individual rights, the founding fathers' reasons for creating the Constitution, the scope of government, policymaking, what a democracy is supposed to look like vs. what we actually have today, etc. I have enjoyed the hands on learning and not just having to read a textbook every night - the Alabama Supreme Court trial was really interesting! I've made a habit of being more organized and not procrastinating, which makes the fast(er) curriculum more manageable. I hope to continue to learn more and become confident with my knowledge of government, so I can form opinions based upon facts, not just what my peers/parents tell me.

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