Sunday, December 6, 2015

Military Combat Positions Now Offered To Women

This past Thursday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced that all U.S. military combat positions have become available to womenThis will allow women to fill about 220,000 jobs including infantry, armor, reconnaissance and special operations units. "This means that women [...] will be able to drive tanks, give orders, lead infantry soldiers into combat," Carter said. Obviously, there are "physical differences" between men and women, and to keep our military strong and skilled, positions won't just be handed out to women who ask. They must have the same skill expectations and requirements as the men. So far, only two women have completed the Army's Ranger School, and now they can finally apply to join the 75th Ranger Regiment. Hillary Clinton has fully supported and applauded the move. She stated: "We've seen women in our armed forces prove their heroism and abilities, now our official policy is catching up and women who are qualified for these positions should be able to compete and win them." The policy be implemented in 30 days.

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